About me
About me
My husband and I have three kids, a cocker spaniel, many fish and a small flock of chickens, some of which lay blue eggs!
I’ve always been interested in words – where they come from, the way they evolve – sometimes straying far from their original meaning, but most of all – how they SOUND.
I have always sung my way around the day. I didn’t need a microphone when singing at school and church as a child. I could be heard!
I love acting and doing voice-overs of all different styles. It’s always great to meet new clients at one studio and then work with returning clients at another.
One of my favourite quotes is:
“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”
I’m a regular volunteer at my children’s schools which makes me a Jack Of All Trades, from managing the School Walking Bus since 2013 and running community events, to helping the planet by composting and recycling. I won’t bore you with my to do list but rest assured my vote on the type of community I want is being counted.
I love running, especially Park Run, bushwalking and hanging out with my family. My kids are all super-fast runners which keeps me on my toes and they all do acting and voice-over. They’ve worked on professional plays, feature films, TV shows and commercials.

Sennheiser MK 4 microphone
Acoustically treated personal studio with Source Connect available, or happy to travel to studio of your choice
File formats
Raw options for you to select from, or edited files depending on your requirements
Fast turnaround and professional quality

Want to hear my demos?